These days to be successful business you are going to need a website and along with that website you will need marketing to help you rank in Google searches.
As you can imagine, there are literally thousands of companies who design websites and do search engine optimization (SEO). These business are all considered high risk by processors and banks, especially the ones that are start-ups. Limitless has solutions for businesses in this industry. To be approved, web design and SEO service companies will need to acquire a high-risk merchant account and Limitless can help you with that!
Web design and SEO service merchants often market basic websites and upsell overtime. The price their customers pay in the end could be thousands more than they anticipated, which often leads to chargebacks. Even the most legitimate companies in these industries run into problems with chargebacks. Another issue is many if these companies are outsourcing to India and other countries. This can also lead to refunds and chargebacks.
It may seem impossible to get a merchant provider to accept these types of businesses, but for every industry there are always solutions and that is exactly what we specialize in at Limitless. When other companies say no, we will go to work for you! Limitless has grown a reputation in the tech, web design and SEO space, as a leading provider in high-risk merchant accounts.
Whether you are a start up or an established web design or SEO company, Limitless will get you approved for one or more merchant accounts quickly! If you plan on bringing in a high monthly volume, we can get you approved for multiple merchant accounts. Offshore accounts are available if you have previous processing- so the world is at your fingertips with Limitless!
Limitless prides itself on our customer service and satisfaction. We never rush our merchants off the phone and we are available day or night. In fact, we are open 24 hours a day 7 days a week for all your high-risk credit card processing needs. We are 100% committed to getting our customers approved fast! If you need a high risk merchant account in the tech, web design, or SEO industries, look no further.
Give us a call us at (800) 971-6221 or use the easy apply now form on this page to get started processing today!